Longfellow Community Association
2023 - 2024 LCA Board Members
Officers: President: Stephen Krauska Vice President: Matthew Macchietto Secretary: Robb Traylor Treasurer: Megan Peterson Board Members: Rodney Sampson Immediate Past President: Jessica Blubaugh Elections held at every June meeting -- Nominate yourself or a neighbor here. |
The Longfellow Community Association is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization established in 1972 by neighbors concerned with the destabilizing impact of suburban sprawl on Longfellow, also called Dutch Hill at the time. LCA has been a force for stabilization and redevelopment as needed for 45 years, and remains active today creating space for community organization, collaboration, and advocacy. LCA elects a volunteer board of directors annually who help develop policies and practices that govern decision making in the neighborhood, and who represent Longfellow's interests with commercial, civic, and institutional partners in the community. The LCA board holds an open meeting the first Monday monthly 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. (If the first Monday is a national holiday, the board meets the second Monday.) LCA coordinates neighborhood events like the annual yard sale, dumpster days, and Halloween carnival. We also work to support neighbor-initiated projects like the Longfellow Farm project, which has transformed vacant property owned by the Community Association into a vibrant 1/4 acre farm run completely by volunteer labor, grant-funding, and CSA sales. Join us! Become a member today and help us diversify our decision making as a neighborhood. |